The Privilege of Narrative

Reading around the Pagan social media I’m finding that some people are claiming that the dialogue around racism at PantheaCon and in the local community is an attempt to “hijack” our “narrative”.

Are you fucking kidding me?!

Picking up a rug and finding what has been swept beneath it all along is not “hijacking the floor”. It’s cleaning house.

And it’s about damned time.


About EmberVoices

Ember Cooke has been a member of Hrafnar and Seidhjallr for more than a decade, where she trained to be a Seidhkona, Galdrakona, and Gythia. She founded the Vanic Conspiracy and made ordination vows to the Vanir and her congregation in the summer of 2013. She has contributed to several publications on Heathen and Northern Pagan subjects and regularly presents rituals and workshops at festivals. Her personal practice is more diverse, as the Vanir have lead her into cross-training and service for the wider Pagan community. This has including medium and servitor training in American Umbanda, clergy training with the Fellowship of the Spiral Path, and jail ministry for local counties. She holds a BA with honors in Religious Studies from Santa Clara University. Ember has lived all her life in the south San Francisco Bay Area, and is intimately bound to the valley of her birth.
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5 Responses to The Privilege of Narrative

  1. Kind of related… one of the things I love about Loki is that He doesn’t care what we look like, how we identify ourselves, who we love, or where we came from. Why can’t we all just see one another as genuinely awesome souls on our individual paths and respect that? This is one thing I’m trying to teach my kid. Respect others and their choices.


    • EmberVoices says:

      Treating each person as an individual is good. Ignoring what makes them members of various groups isn’t as useful.

      You haven’t quite cited colorblindness, but what you say here is a similar sentiment. It’s very easy to think that if we just ignore the systemic politics, and deal with each individual as a separate entity, all the problems built into the system will go away.

      Alas, it doesn’t work that way. The systems in place significantly affect how we see each individual, how we treat them. Even if we’re trying our most honest, concious best, we have to make judgements based on what we know, and what we know is inevitably influenced by the over-arching systems.

      The other problem with treating each thing as individual is that it makes us blind to larger patterns. When we say “that guy was shot because he did X” and “this guy was beaten because he did Y”, we’re missing that both were targeted because they were, for example, gay, or black, or trans, or Muslim. We can’t afford to ignore those patterns.

      So, for better or worse, we can’t afford to only treat everyone as individuals. We must also pay attention to group identities, and address the issues that arise as a result.


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