Seeking Prompts for My Lady

I still owe my Lady Clare 9 entries for the Month of Written Devotion I had to pause in the flurry around Many Gods West. But the reason I haven’t returned to it already is that those prompts were just not working for me. Too repetitive, perhaps, or just the wrong angle for this relationship, I don’t know. Maybe I work better with some other kind of prompt, or clear questions, or pictures, or songs or…?

I’m going to be doing a ritual offering for Her on Samhain, so it seems suitable to give Her 9 posts between now and then (no, this one isn’t counting).

So I’ll ask you folks for prompts. They can be anything suitable for a prompt or for divination: a  word, a picture, a concept, a song, a poem, a general sort of question you might ask about someone’s spiritual path or relationship, or a specific question for me about my relationship with the Land I call my Lady.


About EmberVoices

Ember Cooke has been a member of Hrafnar and Seidhjallr for more than a decade, where she trained to be a Seidhkona, Galdrakona, and Gythia. She founded the Vanic Conspiracy and made ordination vows to the Vanir and her congregation in the summer of 2013. She has contributed to several publications on Heathen and Northern Pagan subjects and regularly presents rituals and workshops at festivals. Her personal practice is more diverse, as the Vanir have lead her into cross-training and service for the wider Pagan community. This has including medium and servitor training in American Umbanda, clergy training with the Fellowship of the Spiral Path, and jail ministry for local counties. She holds a BA with honors in Religious Studies from Santa Clara University. Ember has lived all her life in the south San Francisco Bay Area, and is intimately bound to the valley of her birth.
This entry was posted in Gnosis, Land Spirit Work, Personal, Polytheistic Theology, Praxis, RedWood Vanatru, ST4R and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Seeking Prompts for My Lady

  1. Perlandria says:

    The Triton Museum on El Camino in Santa Clara has an amazing collection of historic Ohlone baskets. Sometimes they will fill a gallery with a selection. Tiny water tight drinking baskets. Cooking baskets. Harvest baskets. Fishing baskets. Storage baskets. If there is a task, there is a basket for it. It helps me imagine when the bay’s edge was soft with waterlands and reeds, or when the creeks weren’t in concrete channels.


    • EmberVoices says:

      Yep. Twice in my classes on Native American/ American Indian history, I’ve been assigned the task of trying one of those forms of basket weaving. I still have the second one. It’s on my Native Spirits altar, a tiny, tiny basket filled with little turquoise nuggets.

      It’s far from watertight, of course. That takes years to master. I think I remember that they did have a woman who had mastered it demonstrating up with the Miwok exhibits at Point Reyes a while back, though…



  2. Perlandria says:

    One of the grace names I heard for our home when growing up was Valley of Flowers.


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